July 14, 2013

(h/t Heather)

Ruh roh, someone needs to break out his Schoolhouse Rock DVD and review "I'm Just a Bill" again. You would think that a 28-year veteran of the US Senate would know the difference between a bill and a law.

But not Mitch McConnell, whose rabid partisanship has blinded him to anything other than hating on President Obama. McConnell could not stop himself from continuing to diminish the president's signature legislation to the point that even David "Fact checking isn't my job" Gregory had to call him out. Asking about the outrageously offensive letter McConnell and Senate Minority Whip John Cornyn sent to the NFL essentially threatening them against promoting Obamacare, Gregory pointed out that the ACA is established law now:

DAVID GREGORY: I read the letter, Leader McConnell, and it was striking how political it was, that letter you wrote to them. You refer to it as a bill; it's actually the law of the land, which has even been affirmed by the Supreme Court. How can you write such a letter at a time when don't you feel the need for people to understand what the new law is?

SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL: Well, the president himself seems to not think parts of the law ought to be implemented. I mean, he is selectively delaying parts of it as if it's all just kind of a smorgasbord of options for him to figure out, you know, which ones to execute, and which part of the law--

GREGORY: Well, but a delay--(OVERTALK)-is not a failure to execute. A delay is not a failure to execute.

MCCONNELL: Well, for example, they just decided to say "never mind" on the employer mandate. Well, what about the individual mandate? Does the president get to decide which parts of the law to comply with and which parts not? It's a massive, complicated, unpopular bill. Obviously, if we had the votes, we would repeal it. But the president--

GREGORY: But, Leader, it's not--

MCCONNELL: --himself--

GREGORY: But you support the democratic process. This is not a bill. This has--

MCCONNELL: -- the law.

GREGORY: --been passed; this is the law of the land. You refer to it--


GREGORY: --as a bill. Doesn't that undermine? I mean, if the shoe were on the other foot and it were a law that was passed by Republicans in Congress, would you not refer to it as the law of the land and want to see it implemented as best it could be, despite the fact you disagree with it?

Of course, McConnell isn't going to let strict definitions get in the way of his sanctioned Two Minutes Hate, made conveniently available to him from that bastion of liberal media, David Gregory.

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