Anyway, it wasn't until last night at the 84th GOP primary debate when Cain called the first female Speaker of the House "Princess Nancy" right in the middle of his sexual harassment scandal did he really get my ire up. "Queen" I think I'd be OK with. But really? Princess? She's a history maker, a grandmother and a respected Democrat wrangler - not a vacuous tween irritant. Men who don't see women as equals, don't get how not to be demeaning.
Plus when you're not a schmuck who uses your influence to get women to do you sexual favors and you're accused of doing that - you don't start blaming "democrat machines" and fingering whomever you think leaked the story. A "leak" by the way, denotes truth - as opposed to a "smear" which is false. A true story is leaked...probably by Romney.
So in the wake of the "Princess Nancy" projectile: I submit this picture of Herman Cain and Chicago broadcaster, Amy Jacobson. This picture was released after Jacobson said she was a witness to Cain and his first public accuser, Sharon Bialek, hugging at an event a month ago. This was after Cain said he'd never met the woman accusing him of sexual harassment (and groping).

Look at where his hand is. His thumb is on her boob! If my husband put his hand on my ribcage about an inch below my underwire for a picture in public, I'd nudge him. That's PDA (public display of affection) to people who do that type of thing in private. It's definitely not where you put your hands when you're taking a picture of you and a colleague. It's where a cavalier creep puts his hands.
Nice frontrunner you guys have there.