Neil was fresh off his interview with President Bush and was trying to defend the President's sinking polls numbers on Social Security: 62% disapprove from an ABC/WaPo poll:'
Cavuto: He's had a tough sell. I tried to relate that the intense coverage of the Michael Jackson trial was being a bit of a distraction for him.
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Yes, a host of a show actually said that! I'm sure that the people are feeling the war in Iraq was a mistake now is due to the MJ case. How about the opinion on his handling of the economy. MJ case.
Here's the new AP poll results: Blame it on MJ
Earth to Neil, could you try something a little smarter than that. How about the President has no plan, fills his Town Hall meetings with partisans, and lies about the state that Social Security is in.
On Hannity and Colmes, Neil was on after "the interview" gushing with delight. Newshounds wonders if Hannity has lost some clout. "The conversation between Hannity and Cavuto took viewers back to the days of the campaign. We heard the Bush keywords like upbeat, likable, Reagan-like, driven and resolute. Then Cavuto did the routine about Bush not being driven by polls and of course, he mentioned his religion and belief that "he is here now for a reason".
(Update)-The Rude Pundit as always picks up on this and writes :Why Neil Cavuto Ought To Be Buried Alive Under a Stack of Wall Street Journals: