Rush's hompe page leads with this:
The Left Celebrates Katrina Destruction,
Terror Attack They've Been Waiting For
Rush: "I got a sneaking suspicion that the left's reaction to this issomething that they had in the works ever since 9/11. I think the lefthas been waiting for the next terrorist attack. They've got theirbattle plan in motion, and they knew when the terrorist attack camethat they were going to jump on Bush's case as being ill-prepared,unprepared, lousy, having done nothing, make the case for biggergovernment, roll out all the video of all the disasters and misery,"and so forth and so on."
The right wing apologists keepsinking into the mud of desperation. Who in their right mind wouldthink that any American would be celebrating a national disaster likeHurricane Katrina or another terrorist attack?