Monica joined "Scarborough Country," last night and left no doubt in the the minds of the viewers that Iran probably already has nukes and will use them against us. Nobody on the panel corrected her ill-informed, warmongering statements. Is this supposed to be political debate or a War propaganda segment?
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Joe: ...Monica, is there any possibility that the Iranian leaders that are in charge right now would ever be so irrational as to launch a nuclear attack on cities like Los Angeles, New York, Washington, D.C., if they got this nuclear device?
Monica: Unequivocally, yes, Joe. And in fact, the hypothetical scenario that you just laid out, that hypothetic ground zero is just a few blocks from where I am sitting here tonight. So, it is an incredibly frightening scenario and absolutely within the realm of possibility given the nature of the regime we‘re talking about. This Tehran regime covers the terrorist Trifecta. They do have weapons of mass destruction, possibly even nuclear at this point. They export terror and they do support al Qaeda.---read the transcript
The segment featured graphics showing what a nuclear blast would do to New York. That's a great way to influence the American people if the U.S. bombs Iran. What will happen when all the young Iranian kids that are said to love America are hit with bombs? Will they still want regime change in Iran?
Here's my latest on the Huffington Post about "Joe Klein and Nukes."