Bill O'Reilly has been on a culture-warrior kick for some months now. In July he told his audience that he had the answer to all the poors problem: Young Black Girls Should Stop Having Babies
BillO was invited to the “My Brother’s Keeper," a five-year program to assist the country’s black youth . He was all jacked up to rehash his earlier argument about the slutty youth problem so Valerie Jarrett joined him.
Bill immediately went off on the rapper culture that he despises.
O’Reilly told Jarrett he doesn’t think the Obama administration sees the “urgency” of many of these problems,” and told her that “you’re going to have to get people like Jay-Z, Kanye West, all of these gangsta rappers, to knock it off.”
O’Reilly argued it’s a problem when young black boys idolize “these guys with the hats on backwards” and “terrible rap lyrics” and drug use, and told Jarrett Obama has the power to “reverse the peer pressure.” Jarrett agreed that it’s important to have great “role models” for young people, but O’Reilly insisted, “You got to get them in there to tell these kids that you’ve got to stop the disruptive behavior or you’re going to wind up in a morgue or in prison.”
I watched this segment and after BillO got started, he couldn't stop.
O'Reilly: Michelle Obama, you know her very well. I want you to tell her something for me. I like the nutrition thing, I think that's all good. I want Michelle Obama to come on this program, right here and I want Michelle Obama to look into that camera and say, you teenage girls, you stop having sex. You stop getting pregnant. This is wrong. I want her to do that right here. Do you think she would?
No Bill, she wouldn't.
Because teenage girls don't watch your show, as much as you'd like to think otherwise.