Ron "don't call me Chris' Christie and David Corn joined Chris Matthews on Hardball Monday to discuss Dick Cheney's appearance on Meet The Press, this past Sunday. Christie was part of Dick Cheney's staff in the White House so he's become a regular conservative pundit and a chief Cheney apologist on television ever since.The discussion turned to Cheney's blind defense of the torture program the CIA used to interrogate detainees with. As the segment went on, Matthews then played a clip of the many lies Dick Cheney told Meet the Press over the years to promote the Iraq war, which infuriated David Corn.
David Corn highlighted all the lies Cheney said and wondered why Cheney is even taken seriously now. Ron Christie then stepped up to the plate an gave us not only the QOTD, but quite possibly the QOTY.
Corn: The bottom line is at what point do we look at Dick Cheney and say he's not to be taken seriously.
Matthews: Respond to that Ron.
Christie: My response to that is he's the greatest Vice President in the history of the United States. I was there David, in the hours and the weeks and the months afterwards and Dick Cheney along with thousands of other people led by George W. Bush did everything in their power to keep this country safe and make sure we didn't get attacked again.
He was in office when we got attacked on 9/11 which was bad enough. He then helped order the CIA to torture detainees and then disseminated false information to the media start an unjust war with Iraq that killed hundreds of thousands of people and US troops That's a heckuvajob, Ron.