The head of the PBA, Pat Lynch got into a shouting match with the rank and file over the feud with Mayor De Blasio and stormed out of a union meeting
NYPD Union Chief Pat Lynch And Cops Get Into Shouting Match
January 14, 2015

"Well, well, Spud fell in the well!"--Little Rascals

It appears that the PBA, lead by Pat Lynch and the rank-and-file officers aren't unified when it comes to their feud with Mayor Bill de Blasio after all. Ever since two police officers were tragically murdered, Pat Lynch ramped up the de Blasio hatred by saying that there is blood on the hands of the Mayor after the shootings.

"There's blood on many hands tonight," he said. "That blood on the hands starts at City Hall in the Office of the Mayor."

Lynch turned a national tragedy into a political pissing contest which has led to a slow down in arrests and a public display of anger at de Blasio by his supporters, but not every police officer is behind the attacks on the Mayor.

Members of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association nearly came to blows on Tuesday during a meeting of delegates in Queens. There was pushing, shoving and lots of screaming at Patrick Lynch, president of the 23,000-member union.

The in-house battle erupted over the issue of what patrol officers really need — an apology from Mayor de Blasio or better equipment and more officers to back them up on the streets.

“This is what my members want!” a cop yelled near the end of the raucous meeting. “They want more cars, better vests, more manpower!”

And then the cop — one of about 350 in attendance — took a verbal jab at Lynch, who has called on de Blasio to offer a mea culpa for his continued lack of support for police.

“They don’t want an apology,” he said.

“They asked Lynch directly: ‘What did you ask the mayor for?’ ” the source added. But Lynch provided no answers. The yelling and screaming lasted about 10 minutes before Lynch stormed out.

Lynch couldn't handle the pressure form his own men over his handling of City Hall, so he ran away.

Nice going, Pat!

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