January 18, 2015

OK, this is bizarre. The Doogie Howser and DiCaprio comparisons aside, how can a hospital let this go on for so long?

Police said a teenager was playing doctor inside a medical facility for a month and even got inside an exam room before he was detected.

The teen apparently walked the halls of St. Mary's Medical Center wearing a white coat with a St. Mary's logo and "anesthesiology" embroidered on the front.

"I think it's just crazy," Stacy Morales said. "I can't believe he got away with it for a month."

He was busted while wearing a stethoscope around his neck and a mask on his face. He was in an examination room with a patient while a real doctor was conducting an exam.

"He presented himself with a patient of our practice and introduced himself as Dr. Robinson," Dr. Sebastian Kent said. "The first thing I thought was, 'I am really getting old because these young doctors look younger every year.'"

Kent called security, who called police. Personnel, even security guards, around the hospital had seen him for weeks and believed he was someone official.

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