Steve Doocy, in his never-ending quest to seem hip and cool, occasionally takes to the streets to ask people if they are as bigoted and narrow minded as he is. Fortunately, he's in New York, so he does come across quite a few Democrats. In fact, in this nearly four minute piece, he found only one person to endorse a Republican, and that guy was Donald Trump. When a broadcaster does a package, they normally shoot three times the footage that is eventually edited down. Imagine his frustration that people didn't respond with the cringe-worthy, pro-GOP replies he had hoped for?
He has a poster board with ten faces, in two columns of five. Four of the faces are actual declared candidates: Martin O'Malley, Lincoln Chaffee, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Mixed in with them are pictures of Jane Fonda, Martin Sheen, VP Biden, Anthony Weiner, Nancy Pelosi and a blonde woman who looks a lot like Megyn Kelly of Fox News. First he points out Bernie Sanders and asks a black gentleman if he'd vote for 'the guy with the hair.' He inquired, 'he's a socialist?' (but didn't ask that with the disdain, like Steve had hoped) and then an older white man asks, 'isn't he a communist?'
More and more people seemed to recognize Hillary, and only one person correctly identified the four Democratic Candidates. One guy even said he's voting for Hillary simply because she's a Democrat and another woman attributed her potentially successful presidency to what she's learned from her husband's tenure in the Oval Office.

Along the walk in Midtown Manhattan, the Dooce comes across a few bags of shredded paper, so he says,
'While we were talking to people about them, just notice, we came across the Benghazi EMAILS!'
A few people thought Lincoln Chafee was actually Steve Doocy. But overall, most expressed their support of and familiarity with Hillary Clinton. One woman said that Joe Biden looks confused, and Fox News just ate that up, because they like to pretend that he's as idiotic as the Konservative Klown Kar.
The lone GOP supporter, who appeared at the end, was a woman with an accent, seems like an Eastern European accent. I could be wrong, nevertheless, she said,
'Don't vote for Hillary, vote for Trump!'
This could be a long hot summer for Fox 'News' with GOP candidates not even as popular as President Bartlet from the show, The West Wing.