Because of Wisconsin's return to the spotlight, Chuck the Toad had a softball interview with Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Rebecca "Blinky" Kleefisch, who made a valiant effort at spewing the same old lies that we had heard from Walker during his short-lived campaign.
Kleefisch claimed that Wisconsin's roads are well-maintained and well-funded. She must've missed the fact that her fellow Republicans just approved borrowing another $350 million for building new roads while the currents ones continue to decay. And she also must've forgotten that there is a reason that Walker had become known as Governor Roadkill, not having enough money to pick up the dead animals littering the roads.
Kleefisch also boasted about lowering taxes. What she omitted is that the property taxes dropped because property values have dropped each and every year she and Walker have been in office.
She also bragged about their economic development plans. She failed to mention that Walker's Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation was performing so poorly that Walker was fired at its chairman. She also failed to talk about that things are so bad that Republican legislatures are now saying that it needs to be changed.
Kleefisch also claimed that Wisconsin has really low unemployment rates. She probably wasn't counting the ten thousand layoffs given out to Wisconsin workers in 2015 so far with more sure to come. But the low unemployment numbers are also due to the fact that people are fleeing the state in droves, with many of them going to Minnesota for better paying jobs.
She also bragged about how much that she and Walker just love Milwaukee. However, I do recall Walker saying that trying to promote the region as "putting lipstick on a pig." Kleefisch was correct in pointing out the new Freshwater Center, but apparently confused her boss with Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, who was actually the one that brought the center to fruition.
Oh, I could go on and on about all the lies she told in those few minutes, but I think the gentle reader gets the gist of it.
But I will commend Blinky for one thing. She is one helluva trooper. To go on national TV and lie her butt off to defend the failures of Walker, when Walker didn't even want her to be his lieutenant governor. He didn't want her so much that he hired people like Kelly Rindfleisch to be on his then county staff and spend most of her time fundraising for his chosen partner, Brett Davis.
What a champ!