Fox Business Network got into the holiday spirit by suggesting that all anybody should want for Christmas is a gun. “DEAR SANTA: BRING GUNS” read the lower-third during FBN’s gift to the NRA and gun industry packaged as business news.
Media Matters explains:
On the December 22 edition of his show, Charles Payne discussed increasing gun sales in the holiday season due to fears of terrorism and of Obama taking action to limit gun access. Payne invited Erick Erickson, a Fox contributor who claimed Obama will take executive action to limit access to guns. During the segment, an on-air graphic appeared that said “Dear Santa: Bring Guns”:
Here are some excerpts from the "fair and balanced" discussion that was all pro-gun:
- PAYNE: Well, have you been naughty or have you been nice? Because this is the time of year when we’re asking for Santa for a lot of things. Unfortunately, protection is at the top of the list this year. That’s right, guns are topping so many Christmas lists, and as a result the sales are going through the roof now.
- PAYNE: A lot of people are afraid, in this last year of the Obama administration, some sort of executive order will come down that will stop the sale of guns, bullets or something like that.
- ERICKSON: I’m buying about a thousand rounds of ammo a week now. Every time the President rattles his sabers on gun control, I go out and buy another gun and ammo. In fact, see it on my desk here. I have a thousand rounds of ammunition that came in the mail the other day. I think Americans need to see the writing on the wall, that this administration is deeply against their Second Amendment right, even though it’s been found to be an individual right by the Supreme Court, the administration could care less. They want to take away your guns, your ammunition, they want to raise taxes on bullets, to make it difficult for to you buy them. Or, as we’ve seen with the Department of Homeland Security, they want to use government dollars and buy up as many rounds as possible to drive the price through the roof, to make it difficult for you to buy guns.
- PAYNE: I mean Erick, let’s face it though, what should we expect in the last year of the Obama administration, in terms of him coming for your guns? It’s gonna happen, we know it’s going to happen. You’re the political expert, how do you think it happens? Executive order or something else?
- ERICKSON: I think he does it through an executive order.
Well, at least they didn’t talk about needing guns for the War on Christmas.
Watch it above, from Fox Business Network’s December 22 Making Money with Charles Payne, via Media Matters.
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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