Bill O'Reilly responded to Michelle Obama's DNC speech and said one of the most disgusting, appalling and flat out racist things ever said on Fox News. Yes, it was that bad.
Here is what he said in tonight's talking points memo:
BILL O'REILLY: Michelle Obama referenced slaves building the White House in referring to the evolution of America in a positive way. It was a positive comment. The history behind her remark is fascinating. George Washington selected the site in 1791, and as president laid the cornerstone in 1792. Washington was then running the country out of Philadelphia.
Slaves did participate in the construction of the White House. Records show about 400 payments made to slave masters between 1795 and 1801. In addition, free blacks, whites, and immigrants also worked on the massive building. There were no illegal immigrants at that time. If you could make it here, you could stay here.
In 1800, President John Adams took up residence in what was then called the Executive Mansion. It was only later on they named it the White House. But Adams was in there with Abigail, and they were still hammering nails, the construction was still going on.
Slaves that worked there were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government, which stopped hiring slave labor in 1802. However, the feds did not forbid subcontractors from using slave labor. So, Michelle Obama is essentially correct in citing slaves as builders of the White House, but there were others working as well. Got it all?
WOW. So human beings that were sold as property had GOOD lives because they were "well fed" (by whose standards) and had "decent lodgings" (by whose standards)?
PBS explained what life was truly like for a slave:
"enslaved people were clothed, fed and housed only minimally to ensure their survival and capacity for labor."
Hmm...that doesn't sound "decent" sounds like they gave them just enough corn, water and bread to ensure they didn't die.
Twitter responded fast and furiously:
slaves. were. property. they. were. fucking property. they. were PROPERTY. you mother...
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) July 27, 2016
@owillis next on the O'Reilly Factor: The Holocaust wasn't that bad, because they had access to showers.
— Justin Parisi (@NFSDudeAbides) July 27, 2016
And they didn't even have to pay for this sweet gig? They got to do it for free?
— Jonathan Chait (@jonathanchait) July 27, 2016
Bill O'Reilly, slavery apologist and unabashed racist.