They just keep digging Pat Buchanan up from the mothballs, and this time, the culprit is the Smerconish Show on CNN. When discussing matters of race, there's two sides: non-racist and obviously, racist as hell. Buchanan proudly represents the latter. Presenting right vs. wrong as a both-siderist argument is missing the fair and balanced coverage they'd like us to believe that they are seeking.
Two months ago, Buchanan made an appearance on NPR to promote his book of suggestions to make the KKK America White Great Again. Oh, and of course, he's an Herr Drumpenführer supporter, in case it wasn't grotesquely obvious. His book, inspired by his browning-of-America-phobia, State of Emergency, is a collection of his panicky thoughts about 'America basically going to hell because white people will be outnumbered by minorities,'
Of course he hasn't changed at all, once a racist always a Republican racist. The statement in the WaPo made by a financial adviser who pondered, 'Why would rational, affluent, informed citizens consider voting for The Donald?' Smerconish showed this graphic in response.

Smerconish tried to soften the racist rhetoric of his guest, but there's just no way Ol' Pat will evolve, especially since he denies the existence of evolution.
SMERCONISH: Pat, those are fighting words (pictured above) to some because they hear those words and they think, 'that's a preservation of white America that this guy is talking about.'
BUCHANAN: There's nothing wrong with the country I grew up in Michael. We had some things wrong on civil rights and things like that, but it was a good country and what these fellas see are the same things I'm seeing. We're losing the best about the country we grew up in.
Just a few things wrong with civil and voting rights? He really thinks no one was hurt by Jim Crow laws. The Plessy V. Ferguson decision was abhorrent and the separate but equal claim went on way too long. SCOTUS decisions or old racists like Buchanan seem to outlive their usefulness.
BUCHANAN: The government here in Washington, a), is incompetent, b), the system is rigged, and c), we are being pulled away from the center and I can understand entirely what that fella is saying, because there's a lot of people I run into I grew up with that feel exactly the same way, and I don't know about this fella Trump, but I think I'm going to vote for him.
SMERCONISH: I just had this conversation at dinner Thursday night with my father. He was making some of the same points you are and it was me sitting there saying dad, you're just not recognizing all the advancement and good things that are taking place around us.
We're so fortunate to be in this country in 2016. It's still the greatest country on the face of the earth.
Time for Debbie Downer/Patty Party Pooper to lament about the Obama economy. He is oblivious to the fact that the recovery has been nothing short of miraculous considering the state of the economy in January, 2009.
BUCHANAN: Look, we are growing, what? The growth rate we had was one percent in the first quarter of this year. You've got the nation divided as it's never been divided. You've got words like racist, sexist, homophobe, every day and in every way on every TV set, people are calling themselves names.
In that sense, we are not one people and one nation the way we were in 1960 under Eisenhower, when we were making progress in some of these things that concern you.