Good Wednesday morning, Crooks and Liars! Let's begin our day with a tweet that imagines a warm, father-son moment chez Trump:
The Immoral Minority wonders why Richard Nixon is smiling.
Mike the Mad Biologist fact checks Tom Price.
Badtux, the Snarky Penguin is keeping a little list.
First Draft is not impressed by the LA Times editorials. Fair points.
Bonus Track: Little Black Book: "To drive awareness and debate on International Women’s Day about how women are paid on average 25% less than men, J. Walter Thompson London has created a provocative outdoor campaign using clever word play to drive home just how offensive the world can seem with 25% missing." — it is NSFW, but very powerful.
And because I promised to link to the LA Times editorials:
Sunday's installment "Our Dishonest President"
Monday's installment "Why Trump Lies"
Tuesday's installment "Trump's Authoritarian Vision"
There will be one more in the series, and we will include it tomorrow.
Round-up by Tengrain who blogs at Mock, Paper, Scissors. You can follow Tengrain on the Twitters, too. Send tips, requests, and suggestions to (with For MBRU in the subject line).