Oliver pretty much dared Murray to sue his show on Sunday night, and the hapless coal baron all too happily obliged by taking the bait.
Source: Business Insider
Coal magnate Robert Murray has filed a lawsuit against John Oliver, HBO, Time Warner, and the writers of Oliver's show over the most recent episode of "Last Week Tonight," The Daily Beast reports. In a segment on the show, Oliver took on Murray's business practices and the safety hazards of the coal industry at large.
Murray — who runs Murray Energy Corporation, the largest private coal company in the country — filed the suit Wednesday, stating that Oliver's program "executed a meticulously planned attempt to assassinate the character of and reputation of Mr. Robert E. Murray and his companies."
In the segment, Oliver called Murray a "geriatric Dr. Evil" because of Murray Energy's weakened safety practices, which, Oliver contended, led to a collapse in one of his Utah mines that killed nine workers.
Oliver predicted that the lawsuit would occur within the segment itself Sunday night. The "Last Week Tonight" host noted that Murray had a history of suing media outlets over unflattering coverage, and Murray previously sent a cease-and-desist letter when the show reached out to him for comment.