September 18, 2017

Trump's chief apologist Kellyanne Conway used bad TV ratings to blast The Emmys for "politicizing" the awards show.

She told the three headed Ghidrah at Fox and Friends that, "It looks like America is responding by tuning out, because they want you to stick to your knitting. They want you to, I guess, in this case, read the stuff other people write for you. And so they are welcome to their opinion, but how does it really fit?"

WTF does "knitting" have to do with the Emmys? Has she been taking lessons from Greg Gutfeld?

Apparently Conway is either playing dumb or unaware that the TV writers do inject politics into their broadcasts and award shows. Comedians have been mocking politicians since Mort Sahl made a career out of it back in the 50's.

As soon as John Kennedy was elected, he turned his satirical style back on the man he supported.

The year before, Sahl was hired to contribute jokes to John F. Kennedy’s presidential campaign speeches, but once Kennedy was in office, Sahl returned to his policy of making jokes about the incumbent. Kennedy’s father Joseph Kennedy put pressure on Sahl to cease his criticism, even going so far as to threaten to silence Sahl.

And since Trump is the King of whining, criticizing and attacking those he feels have wronged him in some way - it's weird watching Kellyanne complain about the Emmys, since the award show has always used politics as a springboard.

The F&F crew got a kick out of Sean Spicer's appearance but I wonder if they really enjoyed it or were pretending.

Doocy said, "That's funny," and Ainsley asked, "What'd you think?"

Conway congratulated Spicey's "humor" then bashed Hollywood for lacking "introspection and good humor."

I agree. No comedian would ever write a joke asking what Trump's best qualities are with the punchline - it's his humility, Kellyanne since Trump has never shown an ounce of it.

That certainly was some joke.

Conway continued, "People have the right to speak freely, that’s very obvious. We live in the greatest democracy in the world that allows that. We're doing it presently. But again, to what end?"

Conway doesn't see the point of humor. Neither do many conservatives because right wing ideology is a breeding ground for satire.

And isn't the end called "free speech?" Actors are people that have feelings and thoughts about the world. Are they not allowed to voice those opinions? I forget that people like Conway are only interested in free speech when they believe it furthers their goals and outlooks.

"You’re alienating at least 63 million Americans who supported this president last time. But you’re alienating many more who want the president to succeed, and you’re showing the world that you’re so easy with an insult about our leader. I think that’s really unfortunate, actually," Conway said.

But since Trump lost the popular vote, how many more people enjoyed the barbs directed at Donald?

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