Donald Trump this week plans to hold a public signing ceremony for a sexual abuse law just days after he defended a White House staffer who was accused of abusing his two ex-wives.
Politico reported on Sunday that Trump's Wednesday schedule includes a signing ceremony for the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act.
The act, sponsored by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), requires anyone who oversees children athletes to report allegations of sexual misconduct or abuse.
The ceremony will just a week after Trump and Chief of Staff John Kelly defended White House staffer Rob Porter over abuse charges -- even though the FBI had refused to grant him a security clearance based on the allegations.
It was not immediately clear if Trump would take questions at Wednesday's ceremony. One hopes that some reporter might remind Trump of his own statements bragging about getting away with on walking in on young women at beauty pageants and grabbing women without their consent.