March 21, 2018

Early this morning, Trump started rage-tweeting, quoting Fox "legal analyst" and Trump cheerleader Alan Dershowitz. Here is a screenshot of the first tweet, now deleted:


Trump's revised tweet fixed his spelling of "whether" while leaving other incorrect words (council v. counsel) intact.

John King spent a minute or two ranting about the tweets, as if this will somehow change Trump's behavior. Executive Time is Executive Time, no matter what pundits may think about it.

King said, “The president attacks the special counsel and in the process fails a third-grade spelling test.”

“Attacking Robert Mueller by name goes against the advice of the president’s lawyers," he explained. "So when he does it, we learn about his anger at them as much as with the investigation.”

Well, to be fair, Alan Dershowitz was stirring the pot on Fox & Friends. What is a POTUS to do?

“There’s no staff around him when the president watches the morning cable shows and lashes out,” King observed. “And apparently no spell check or grammar police.”

Hope Hicks quit. She's not there to fix things like that now.

“Why the rush to rage?” King asked.

Answering his own question, he said, “The president is mad at his lawyers because they’ve been unable to make Mueller disappear and because he doesn’t like the questions the special counsel has outlined in negotiations over a possible presidential interview.”

And, and, and...he has Alan Dershowitz, OJ Simpson's former lawyer, joining hands with him and channeling his rage on Fox News. What's a spelling error or two in the face of a despot's rage, after all?

(h/t Raw Story)

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