Katie Hopkins is a real piece of work. She's embarrassed Fox News before, with her male counterpart Nigel Farage, calling for internment camps for Muslims in Britain in on on-air segment. Fox News actually apologized for what they said.
But that doesn't stop them from having her on again.
And of course Fox viewers don't know that like Nigel Farage, Katie Hopkins is well-known in Britain for being a kook, not an analyst. According to Media Matters, the British tabloid website "Mail Online previously fired Hopkins for making false claims, and her radio show was canceled after Hopkins called for a “final solution” for Muslims in Britain."
Fox News viewers only know that she's British, which gives her authority to give an "outsider's view" of America. Her view is that jackboot militia are the "solution" to those who aren't conforming to her version of "decency."
She is put on Fox to call for a military "solution" to dirty people. Last night it was her "expose" of Skid Row in Los Angeles. She's got an idea! Transcript via Media Matters:
KATIE HOPKINS: Ultimately and fundamentally what’s missing from Skid Row is someone capable of gripping the place. You know, Democrats are always full of tears, tea and sympathy and giving out charity. What you need in there is the military to go in, you need housing units put in place, temporary shelters, and you need to clear the area in order to clear it up. And that’s not going to be done with sympathy and that’s not going to be done with oh, it’s such a shame, these poor people. That’s going to be done with some kind of military operation to clear up that area.
And of course in this case to find a distraction to the Stormy/Russia problems of Donald Trump.
Trump is militarizing as much as he can because his fans love it and he thinks it makes him more powerful. Military parades, funding "the wall" via the Pentagon, and now this nonsense -- get a military grip on the homelessness problem, clear them out, and make things "orderly." I think we know where this kind of thinking comes from.
Shame on Fox for giving oxygen to such fascism.