Donald Trump continues to blame the media and everyone else for the divisive culture he's nurtured in an America where race-baiting is his signature accomplishment.
After a rabid Trump supporter sent explosives to Donald's political rivals including one to CNN, because he has marked them as traitors to the country for not giving him Fox News-like coverage, he still will not relent, even for a few days to honor those eleven people that were just massacred in a Pittsburgh Synagogue.
It's not weakness to show kindness or empathy to the citizens a president is supposed to protect, it's called maturity.
But instead, we get rage tweets at first light:
It's not his fault that a man, who attended his rallies and had his van covered with Trump promotional and conspiratorial propaganda sent twelve explosive devices to his bitter rivals.
After all on Friday Trump said, "I did not see my face on the van. I heard he was a person that preferred me over others."
When asked if he would tone down his rhetoric, he replied, "I think I've been toned down if you want to know the truth. I could really tone it up because the media has been extremely unfair to me.”
When Trump stokes fear of a new false enemy invading our borders which is really just migrants trying to escape to a better life from Honduras and is aided dutifully aided by Fox News, it's not his fault that an anti-Semite then massacred eleven people in a Pittsburgh synagogue because of it.
His persecution complex is reflected in his weak-kneed reaction to any form of criticism, and his penchant for creating false enemies to fear monger against in order to deflect from his administration's behavior.
Nothing will ever deter this man from stopping his destructive behavior, because that's all he has. And he refuses to learn or be influenced by anything new that is in opposition to his seventy years of ignorance.