In Council Bluffs, Iowa, Donald Trump led the crowd in a rousing round of "Lock Her Up," this time aimed at Senator Dianne Feinstein.
October 9, 2018

At his rally in Council Bluffs, Iowa Tuesday night, Donald Trump once again led his fans in a rousing "Lock her up" chant, this time aimed at Senator Dianne Feinstein, who did not leak Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's letter. Trump being Trump, he's never one to let a few pesky facts in his way, so he lit up the crowd with that.

Trump's "rallies" are getting darker and darker, more violent, even as he accuses women protesting the promotion of an accused sexual assaulter to the highest court in the land of being a "mob."

Reaction was swift:

Yes it is. Because Donald Trump is first and foremost a misogynist who breathes the rare air at the top of the manosphere.

Elizabeth Warren had a warning for him:

I read that the enthusiasm gap between men and women for the midterms was 30 points. I guess he's going for a record.

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