Trump's favorite morning show was very upset about a politician being "uncivil." Never mind what has come out of his mouth though.
January 5, 2019

Donald Trump’s Fox Friends have stood by him despite his rude, crude and even criminal behavior but now that Palestinian Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib has said, “We are going to go in there and we're gonna impeach the mother***er,” the Curvy Couch Crew is oh, so concerned with civility and respect.

Cohost Brian Kilmeade prefaced the clip of Tlaib by snarking that she would be “open and honest” about when she can work with Trump. “Or she might not be, try to read between the lines.”

“The civility really does impress me,” cohost Jedediah Bila sneered sarcastically.

Of course, the Trump Friends highlighted Tlaib’s Palestinian roots. “She had made history earlier in the day, she was the first Palestinian-American woman to serve in Congress,” cohost Steve Doocy said, reading from a script on his knee. “She arrived and was sworn in wearing traditional Palestinian dress with elaborate embroidery, called tatreez, I believe.” As we saw a clip of her in the outfit, Doocy pointedly added, “Made a lot of headlines with that.”

Doocy continued, “For Democrats who say this president is uncivil, he went over the line, inappropriate behavior for an elected official – you look at what she said at that event last night and you just say that was rough language.”

Let’s take a brief stroll down memory lane to revisit the kind of behavior that did not put a dent in Fox & Friends' unconditional love for Trump. When Hillary Clinton said, ““We have someone admitting to being a sexual assaulter in the Oval Office,” referring to Trump’s recorded boast about grabbing women by the p***y, Fox & Friends attacked Clinton. When Donald Trump called the press the “enemy of the people,” Fox & Friends gave a friendly platform to known liars “Diamond and Silk” to promote the attack. While they were at it, the duo announced that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “needs to pack his rags and he needs to go to another country.”

In mid-October, shortly before the midterms, Doocy said on the air, “If you think that our southern border should be open, support the Democrats. If you think the southern border should actually be a border with security, and stopping people, and processing them accordingly, then you’ve got to vote for Republicans.”

Fox & Friends cohost Ainsley Earhardt didn’t let Trump’s admission of a crime and blatant contempt for the law diminish her fawning over him during an interview last summer.

Today, however, that same Doocy was all about respect. “Is that just a preview of coming attractions?” Doocy asked rhetorically about Tlaib. “Don’t know.”

“I think so,” Bila added, with gleeful hostility. Then she began concern trolling. “I caution them,” she said about Democrats, because people who elected them want policy not “investigations ad nauseum.”

“Why investigate when you can impeach?” Doocy exclaimed.

During the closing, Bila said the show wants to hear “from you as well” at So please do feel free to let these hypocrites know what you think.

Watch the lickspittles above, from the January 4, 2019 Fox & Friends. As for Tlaib, Think Progress noted she’s not backing down at all.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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