Donald Trump told FOX News on Thursday that he will not allow former White House counsel, Don McGahn, to testify before Congress. Trump, who must be absolutely terrified of what McGahn would say, told FOX:
Trump, panicking more, said:
The House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena last week for McGahn to testify regarding possible obstruction of justice outlined in the Mueller Report. Trump has made it clear that he plans to fight “all the subpoenas” issued by the House, although this is the first time he specifically addressed McGahn.
The White House may try to invoke executive privilege to block McGahn from testifying, but that is problematic for a number of reasons. First of all, McGahn is a private citizen. He is free to testify if he wants. Second, and most importantly, Trump never invoked executive privilege before in relation to McGahn meeting with the Special Counsel. You cannot pick and choose when to invoke privilege. If Congress takes this to Court, Donald Trump would have a hard time explaining why he decided to invoke now, after the report already came out. It is clear that the only reason they would try to invoke it now is because they realize that McGahn is not a loyal foot soldier and has truly damaging stories to share.
Let's see if McGahn shows up. He has nothing to lose. He does not need Donald Trump. He does not work for him anymore.