July 14, 2019

Fox News host Chris Wallace confronted White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on Sunday about the overcrowding in migrant detention centers.

During an interview on Fox News Sunday, Wallace asked Conway why some migrant men were being kept in cages for more than 40 days when the law limits detention to 72 hours.

"You can look at the conditions there," Wallace said. "It's a disaster."

Conway accused the media of ignoring the facilities that are not overcrowded. But Wallace pushed her for an answer.

"That facility was meant to be a 72-hour holding facility," she said. "It's not equipped to keep single males who have broken the law by coming here and were apprehended."

"Does it help for the president to say conditions are pretty good and for Mike Pence to say they are pretty good?" Wallace wondered.

Conway insisted that some facilities are "pretty good."

"Shouldn't you be judged on the worst facilities?" Wallace asked.

"Those men get three hot meals," Conway shot back. "They all have access to showers... They have access to deodorant, they have access to hygienic products, they have access to toothbrushes."

The president's counselor ended the interview by attacking an upcoming House hearing with former special counsel Robert Mueller.

"Nobody's ever apologized to us," Conway complained. "Sure, oversight has a function but I think the American people are watching the way that taxpayer dollars [are being spent by] a bunch of comb-overs wanting do-overs we don't need."

"Just another morning with Kellyanne Conway," Wallace sighed, concluding the interview.

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