Jon Stewart wasted no time letting the world know how he felt about Rand Paul's cynical block of the 9-11 first responders' funding bill this afternoon.
“Pardon me if I’m not impressed in any way by Rand Paul’s fiscal responsibility virtue signaling," a furious Jon Stewart told Fox News anchor Brett Baier earlier today after hearing the news of Senator Paul's hypocrisy.
“Bret, this is about what kind of society we have,” a clearly furious Stewart declared. “At some point, we have to stand up for the people who have always stood up for us, and at this moment in time maybe cannot stand up for themselves due to their illnesses and their injuries. And what Rand Paul did today on the floor of the Senate was outrageous.”
“He is a guy who put us in hundreds of billions of dollars in debt,” he said, referring to Paul's vote to approve the Trump tax scam which took money out of the pockets of the middle class and poor to give to corporations and billionaires.
“And now he’s going to tell us that a billion dollars a year over 10 years is just too much for us to handle?" he continued. "You know, there are some things that they have no trouble putting on the credit card, but somehow when it comes to the 9/11 first responder community—the cops, the firefighters, the construction workers, the volunteers, the survivors—all of a sudden we’ve got to go through this.”
It's not like Stewart didn't predict this. Back when he appeared before the House committees, he specifically called out Senator Mitch McConnell by name because he knew -- KNEW -- that someone in the Senate would jam this up.
You know what? If you're busy, I get it. Just understand, the next time we have a war, or you're being robbed, or your house is on fire and you make that desperate call for help, don't get bent out of shape if they show up at the last minute with fewer people than you thought were going to pay attention and don't actually put it out. Just sort of leave it there smoldering for another five years because that's how shit's done around here, mister.
I'm sure they'll put it out for good when they feel like getting around to it. No offense.
And here we are, one month later, faced yet again with exactly what Stewart knew was going to come. Don't make them beg for it...
Rand Paul saw to that.