I guess these sort of numbers shouldn't surprise nor shock anyone, now that the Trump takeover of the Republican Party is just about complete. And it wasn't even a hostile takeover, they just willingly gave themselves to him, as all cults are wont to do.
I guess they don't mind dynasties after all?
Source: Raw Story
According to a report from Axios, Ivanka Trump and her brother Donald Trump Jr are among the top four presidential candidate preferences of Republicans looking way past Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign to the 2024 election.
As Axios notes, “Ready to skip 2020 and go straight to 2024? In a new SurveyMonkey poll, Republican voters chose children of President Trump — Don Jr. and Ivanka — as two of the top four picks for president in four years.'
At the top of the list is Vice President Mike Pence at 40 percent with Don Jr. coming in at 29 percent. Ivanka sits at 16 percent, trailing former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley who polled at 26 percent.
The report goes on to note, “An early poll like this is largely a measure of name ID. But it’s also a vivid illustration of just how strong Trump’s brand is with the GOP. Don Jr. has emerged as one of the most prominent defenders of his dad, frequently going after the left on Twitter, where he has 4.2 million followers, and serving as a popular warm-up act for presidential rallies.”