Homeless in the High Desert - who ARE these people ...?!
Mike the Mad Biologist - can state and local Democrats play hardball?
No More Mr. Nice Blog - Trump's transactional relationship with reality;
The Mahablog - sit up and uncross your arms, Donald!
The New York Crank - a few random departures from the subject of the elephant in the room.
Steve in Manhattan (@blogenfreude) blogs at stinque.com and has listened to Mary Trump's book. You can also read it. It is as eye-opening as you'd expect.
Also, you should watch Andrea Chalupa's movie Mr. Jones, about the coverup of Stalin's genocide in Ukraine in the 1930s. Gareth Jones covered the story and the New York Times's man in Moscow covered it up. Andrea and Sarah Kendzior produce the Gaslit Nation podcast.
To recommend a link, send it to mbru@crooksandliars.com - we do check it!