September 23, 2020

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) lashed out at Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Wednesday for overseeing a probe into Hunter Biden, the son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

The report, which Johnson hopes will impact the November election, accuses Hunter Biden of “conflicts of interest” for a “very awkward” relationship with Ukrainian energy company Burisma. The report, however, found no evidence that the relationship affected U.S. policy.

In a speech on the Senate floor, Schumer suggested that Johnson was doing the bidding of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“While the rest of the country was busy fighting COVID, Senate Republicans have been abusing the power of the Senate to conduct opposition research for President Trump’s campaign,” Schumer explained. “This morning, the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee released his report, which reads as if Putin wrote it, not United States senators.”

“The bogus narrative of this report peddled by a Russian disinformation campaign was disproved by every witness who testified,” he added. “Despite their zeal to smear [former Vice President] Biden and his family, Senate Republicans found no evidence to support the conspiracy theories pushed by Putin’s intelligence agents.”

Schumer went on to demand that Senators Johnson and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) “reimburse taxpayers for the money they wasted.”

“And this entire disgraceful affair and the Johnson report should be relegated to the dustbin of history,” he concluded.

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