Mike's Blog Round Up
White Sun, Red LightCredit: M. Bouffant
October 11, 2020

It's the "Deadline Approaching & I Haven't A Clever Title" Edition.

FairAndUnbalanced present their weekly round-up, w/ many of the usual suspects I didn't get to this week.

Coupla Things, from Donna.

John Scalzi notes a "tardy bell", & how the educational system oppresses children. Fascist school administrations, leave the youth alone!!

Superspreaderman stuff, from Steve M., & a visual from Tengrain.

Bonus Culture Corner from the Big Bad Bald Bastard: Amazon's planning a Lord of the Rings series. Bad idea, for many reasons. The solutions-oriented Bastard, however, offers an alternative.

It's been like pulling teeth for this wk.'s aggregator, Web of Evil (&Ennui)'s M. Bouffant. He'll be back after the election. (If there's anything still standing.)

Keep sending tips & suggestions for this feature to mbru@crooksandliars.com, & continue to take all possible precautions.

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