The president will do a press conference when he's good and ready, and while Fox whines about 'lack of press conferences' they won't dare cover one live.
March 10, 2021

This is one of Fox News' "most important issues" facing America today: President Biden hasn't done a solo press conference in his first two months in office.

This, in addition to fear-mongering over "caravans," freaking out over Pepe Le Pew, and calling the American Rescue Act 'pork.' Right-wing media has no purpose apart from meaningless culture war stories and white nationalist distraction.

The same lame idiotic assaults on President Biden that they used throughout the presidential campaign, are now daily fodder on Fox News, Fox Business, CBN, Newsmax, and OANN, as well as on their right-wing websites. Biden's approval ratings on dealing with COVID are through the roof (61%) and the 1.9T rescue bill is even more popular. So they've abandoned all pretense of caring about policy, instead choosing to focus on fighting the culture wars with abandon.

KTLA reports: "Overall, 70% of Americans back the Democratic president’s handling of the virus response, including 44% of Republicans."

Instead of explaining what's in the COVID relief bill that will help their viewers, right-wing media is obsessing over President Biden's lack of press conference so far.


By the way, CNN and the Washington Post jumped on the right-wing scream about the pressers too.

Do these jackals forget we are still in a pandemic?

He's not hiding. He's been to Texas to survey the damage from the freeze. He's in front of the press every day.

Multiple right-wing pundits are claiming White House communications is protecting Biden from taking questions.


Serial liar Kayleigh McEnany, Fox News' shiny new hire (It pays to lie for Trump) was on Fox Business promoting this idiotic meme.

McEnany used her familiar "basement strategy" talking points, but Biden destroyed Trump in the popular vote by 7 million votes.

Wingnut attacks on Biden also hint at his previous speech impediment and because he stumbles over some words.

But right-wing media refuses to air any of President Biden's appearances or Jen Psaki's press conferences. On the flip side, Fox News aired almost every single action Trump took in the White House, including glorifying his executive orders whenever he sharpied his name.

Here's the full first debate, in which Trump was vilified by most media outlets for his behavior.

But facing questions from the press is too much to handle for Biden?

Please. He will be fine, and he'll destroy their narrative.

A modest proposal: Biden should agree to do a press conference only if Fox News agrees to air the whole thing live without interruption.

Double dog dare ya, Rupert.

Frances Langum contributed to this post.

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