The absurd lengths Fox News, conservative media and the GOP will go to try to paint the country and foment a faux cancel culture war is mind-boggling.
Jane Hampton Cook, A former George W. Bush webmaster, who also writes books based on historical events joined Fox and Friends and claimed Benjamin Franklin was a cancel culture warrior.
Cook was opining on Franklin's influence in the early days of US publishing.
Cook said, "[Franklin] said you know what would happen if we only printed published opinions that we agreed with? The world would only know the opinion of the publisher."
"We would lose free-ness of writing. He understood you have the preserve the liberty of free speech," she said.
Cook actually claimed cancel culture wasn't as big a problem the decades after Benjamin Franklin died.
The was no such thing as cancel culture. That's an extremist right-wing talking point created by TraitorTrump and his minions to combat their racism and homophobia.
Cook is another in a long line of Sarah Palin idgit who believes a person can say or write anything they want in the private sector without any repercussions. Whether it be racist, anti-Semitic, or homophobic because freedom!
The First Amendment was to protect the individual and the press from strong-armed governments or narcissistic presidents from infringing on their rights to address their grievances without being punished for it.
It appears the First Amendment was written specifically for a TraitorTrump.
Trump screamed about trying to change the libel laws to attack every news outlet that held him accountable.
I see Ms. Cook wrote a book called The Burning of the White House: James and Dolley Madison and the War of 1812.
Maybe for her next project she will write a book entitled: Insurrection at the US Capitol, 2021, led by Donald Trump.