An Easter Edition.
Riddled: Chocolate Bunnymas 2021.
WordPress cuts off its nose to spite its face:
WordPress has decided to discontinue the “classic editor” unless I pay them for it. I can’t do this “new” editor. It doesn’t work at all for me.
I will update you with a link when I know where I am moving.
Badtux is not the first to complain. Blogger/Blogspot pulled a similar stunt a few months ago (no money involved) & drove at least one web-log out of business. Good jobs, corporate creeps. Drive us all to Facebook & Instagram.
Did the work for us: Burr at FairAndUnbalanced rounds up a few himself.
Scamarama: Digby has the deets on unwitting & recurring donations to the Trump cult.
All over for me. Submssions may be submitted to