Republicans, religion & mental illness: The primary challenger to Alaska's Murkowski talks in tongues. Friendly Atheist has video & analysis.
At Hullabaloo, Tom Sullivan agrees w/ Brian Beutler that "Democrats need to dump the motivated reasoning and mix it up with Republicans more."
Schadenfreude from Sky Dancing: "There’s lots of gossip in the news because two Trump books were released today and a third is coming out next Tuesday." W/ links to excerpts.
This looks like more schadenfreude, as a long-time Republican operative tells us about "Ken Starr, Brett Kavanaugh, Jeffrey Epstein and Me."
Only in the last three years, thanks to the hold of an unhinged liar and mega-grifter on my party and so it seems my old mentor, have I been able to recognize that Starr has been at the intersection of so many wrong turns our country has made. And now, as he attaches himself to a new presidential prospect and joins former Vice President Mike Pence at a Family Leadership Summit in Iowa this coming weekend, it has become clear to me that I am morally — indeed patriotically — obligated to speak up for the moral decency my old mentor continues to violate in the name of moral decency.
Bonus condemnation of evangelicals, from John Stoehr at The Editorial Board: "For white evangelical Protestants, the degradation of democracy is not regrettable. It's desirable."
Thrown together by M. Bouffant, of Web of Evil (&Ennui). Submissions to mbru@crooksandliars.