August 18, 2021

Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson (WHO IS MOST ASSUREDLY VACCINATED, as are all Fox headquarters employees) was praising the gullible fools who refuse the vaccine for "rational decision-making in this country" and their support for "personal autonomy." Via Media Matters:

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): It's kind of hard to argue with their reasoning. And if you want to argue, what's the argument against it? Speak slowly so we can understand, but no one wants to argue anything anymore. It's purely about obedience, it's hardly about medicine.

More than 150 health care workers in that Houston hospital system were fired, so remember that the next time they tell you there's a health care shortage in this country.

This is lunacy. We should not go along with it. It has nothing to do with medicine. It is a terrifying precedent that, if we let solidify, we will deeply, deeply regret. This is not about COVID, this is about the existence of rational decision-making in this country and personal autonomy. Most people are going along with this because they are afraid. A few brave souls are not.

Got that? They're HEROES. Role models.

Not pawns in Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson's Machiavellian game.

I'd like to point out that licensed healthcare workers come from a wide array of schools of varying depth and quality. I can also tell you that nurses with a four-year degree or higher are highly compliant with vaccines.

As for the doctors who are against the vaccines? Notice how many of them have Fox News in the waiting room.

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