Don Junior joined Dan bingo bongo Bongino on his Fox News program over the weekend, and was furious that Americans are NOT taking to the streets and rioting against vaccines.
Don Jr., said, "Europe is pushing back, and Americans are sitting there looking like sheep! (Don raises his eyebrows to look up into the sky and mocked his fellow Americans) 'oh yeah, this is great, we'll just go along with these guys..."
Coaxing Americans against heeding CDC Covid safety guidelines and vaccinations is un-American and deadly.
Bongino hosted the pity party interview with the addled-brained son of the narcissistic baby man, to complain about the great liberal suppression of conservatives.
But they switched to the topic of vaccines, because the anti-vax cult is where the money is for Trump and his family and supporters.
Don Junior said the media was not reporting on riots that are happening in Europe, "on a daily basis now against the vaccine mandate," he said.
The media is covering the so-called riots.
Here's a good reason why restrictions are being put back in place across the world.

Of course, the violent demonstrations are being led by ultra right-wing wackos.
Don claimed the media wants to block that out so the American people don't get "those kind of ideas."
You know, the kind of ideas that we see when right-wing parents flip out at school board meetings, where Republicans attack teachers.
The kinds of ideas we see when anti-VAXers attack first responders for wearing masks,
Those kinds of ideas.
The idea to riot against the health and safety of the American people to enrich their own pockets.
He claims freedom 'actually exists in Europe' because of the rioting against vaccines and COVID restrictions.
The Trump family sure loves to cause riots and seditious acts against the United States government and its citizens.