Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) lashed out at former Fox News host Chris Wallace on Sunday after it was announced that he is moving to the CNN+ streaming service.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Attacks Chris Wallace Amid Move To CNN+
Credit: Real America's Voice Screenshot
December 13, 2021

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) lashed out at former Fox News host Chris Wallace on Sunday after it was announced that he is moving to the CNN+ streaming service.

After 18 years, this is my final Fox News Sunday," Wallace announced on Sunday. "It is the last time -- and I say this with real sadness -- we will meet like this."

But Greene did not express the same fondness for Wallace.

"Perhaps some changes we are seeing at CNN have something to do with the upcoming new owner," Greene wrote in a tweet on Sunday. "He said recently he wants to see CNN return to real journalism."

She added: "But I would argue Chris Wallace has a bias so big, he’s incapable of real journalism.

"Earlier this year, CNN's parent company WarnerMedia announced that it was merging with Discovery in a $43 billion deal.

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