Mehdi Hasan went on one of his one-minute rants last night about Real Time's Bill Maher and professionally oppressed and misunderstood Bari Weiss complaining that they are so over covid. Via The Week:
MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan went on a "60-second rant" Sunday night about the "done with COVID" crowd, singling out Bari Weiss and her denunciation of ongoing COVID restrictions on Friday night's Real Time With Bill Maher. "The people who should be complaining right now are our overworked health-care workers," he said, very fast. "But no, it's never them moaning or whingeing about the pandemic — it's the Bari Weisses and Bill Mahers and Tucker Carlsons of this world!"
"My young children have handled this pandemic more maturely and less childishly than the likes of Bari Weiss, who — I'm sorry — can't go to as many indoor parties as she'd like to," Hasan concluded.
I was watching Real Time for the first time in months because I wanted to see Rep. Ritchie Torres, but listening to Bari Weiss and Bill Maher piss and moan about pandemic restrictions wasn't cutting it for me. They're just so solipsistic.
Really, Bari? A "catastrophic moral crime"?