Mike's Blog Round-Up
Ersatz PalmCredit: M. Bouffant
February 10, 2022

The Cold Soup Edition

It's all about the FREEDUMB!! At First Draft, Cassandra checks the truck-drivin' turkeys to the north & their Confederate & Nazi flags & general rudeness.

Meanwhile, Texas turkey/A.G. Ken Paxton weighs in, & Canada responds. Bonus: Tejas Goobernator Greg Abbott is seen by some as "not doing enough to deliver on conservative values". All from Adventus.

Buttermilk Sky looks at the nation, finds “Nancy Pelosi’s gazpacho police”, a creation of Georgia Congressperson M.T. Greene.

Let's discourse!

As we are about to engage in legitimate political discourse, you must not only marshal your arguments and debate skills but you must also gather up your brass knuckles, spears, tasers, stun guns, bear spray, hammers, tire irons, fire extinguishers, zip ties, body armor, pipes, pipe bombs and a couple of handguns.

Long-time journalist Marc Cooper considers the future of the Republican Party.

Bonus: "So you think your $#!& doesn't stink?" Literal Super Bowl crap from North Stars and Cowboy Bars.

This crap cobbled together by M. Bouffant. Send your gazpacho recipes to mbru@crooksandliars.com.

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