May 19, 2022

Dr. Oz thanked Fox News' Sean Hannity profusely for all his help in front and behind the scenes for his campaign, considering him like a brother Tuesday evening.

Hannity was busted by being highly involved in the Trump campaign, especially during the January 6 insurrection as we all know from Mark Meadows emails.

However, even after they were uncovered and exposed it has not stopped Hannity's despicable actions from meddling and advising Republican candidates. That equals millions of dollars of free campaign ads and propaganda for them.

Since 2004, I have been covering politics and the media on a daily basis, and I have never seen anything like this.

Over the years, any credible media member that did want to help a candidate would leave their media jobs to do so so there would be no conflict of interest between himself and his job.

Not so on Fox News.

The latest example of Hannity's immorality which is also Fox news' came during Dr. Oz's campaign speech Tuesday evening as the Pennsylvania primary votes were still being counted.

Dr. Oz obviously thanked Trump for his endorsement, but then he singled out the Fox News evening host in no uncertain terms.

"I want to thank Sean Hannity," Oz said.

(His supporters rejoiced.)

"Sean's like a brother to me. When Sean punches through something, he really punches through," he said.

"He understands exactly how to make a difference. He's been doing that this entire campaign. Much of it behind the scenes giving me advice on late-night conversations. Again, the kinds of things true friends do,' Oz chimed.

One of the worst bias cases we had from an actual news network was the AP's Ron Fournier. The veteran and Beltway respected reporter was too close to John McCain. McCain asked him to join his campaign in 2007, but he refused.

Yet, it didn't stop him from giving McCain the kid gloves treatment. Bias coming from the AP Washington bureau chief was a no-no.

"Suck-up" Karl Rove emails was uncovered and Fournier was called out on it.

"The Rove quote was quickly picked up on numerous left-leaning sites, including The Huffington Post, Daily Kos and Crooks and Liars.

The AP was an industry standard of reporting the news so this was a major breech for Fournier.

Nowadays cowards like Trump just stick to cultists in the media so he can never be challenged and can lie and exaggerate undeterred by the truth.

As far as we know, Fournier wasn't a shadow campaign advisor for McCain. But Hannity is much more than that since he has a media platform on two fronts: Radio and television.

Fox News has left no doubt what they are the last five years. They've stopped hiding behind the "fair and balanced" moniker that Roger Ailes was so proud of.

Their programming is one long right wing propaganda mechanism that courts and elevates Republican candidates on a daily basis.

In any credible news organization, Hannity would be fired for his actions, but not at Fox.

I'm sure the Murdochs will send him a case of champagne for his efforts, even if Oz loses, which it appears he will.

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