Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) complained over the weekend that white supremacists were under attack after a racist was accused of a mass shooting in a Black Buffalo neighborhood.
May 23, 2022

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) complained over the weekend that white supremacists were under attack after a racist was accused of a mass shooting in a Black Buffalo neighborhood.

In a Saturday interview on Real America's Voice, Greene argued that there should be more focus on minorities who carry out racist attacks.

"Jerry Nadler was on the House floor and he was talking about white supremacy," she said. "And he was bringing up the terrible shooting that happened in [Buffalo] but totally ignoring the shooting that happened in California that I think involved an Asian man who was the shooter."

Greene also pointed to two Black men who were accused of attacking white people.

"These people are all guilty of these crimes and it's not about race," she said. "It shouldn't be about race. But they're clearly racist as well."

"So white supremacy shouldn't be the main target," the lawmaker added. "We should be more concerned about the illegal invasion at the border, the crime happening every single day on our streets, especially in cities like Chicago. We should go after criminals that break the law and not pursue people based on their skin color and how they vote. But that's what the Democrats want to do."

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