Mike's Blog Round-Up
Vegetable HeadCredit: M. Bouffant
October 10, 2022

The Canadian Thanksgiving Edition. Bet every last Canuck is thankful s/he isn't an American.

Florida's Scottie was hit hard by the hurricane, but that hasn't stopped him.

The usual drooling idjits will be on about "The Debt" soon enough. Kevin Drum has facts, not bullshit.

You may have noticed it's Medicare Advantage sign-up month again. A jaundiced view from the Earth-Bound Misfit.

A real crime, from Ten Bears.

No bonus today because the liberal bloggers are all lazy & underperforming, & because your host, M. Bouffant, has to leave the bunker to buy food. It never stops.

If you are not a lazy underperformer, submit suggestions for this feature (Please, no bogus advertising proposals!) to mbru@crooksandliars.com.

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