November 25, 2022

Controversial Colorado Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert can't possibly imagine why anyone would point fingers at her after a gunman opened fire on an LGBTQ nightclub in her state. Jinkies, just because she has a well-documented history of vilifying the queer community while also failing to compromise on gun safety, people are mad at her.

We've tried to establish gun-sense laws, and Republicans like BoBo won't budge. The hateful rhetoric targeting the LGBTQ community is coming from the right. And we kept telling them that it was dangerous, but they won't listen. They wanted to use hateful rhetoric to gin up donations from their equally intolerant supporters. So, there are more casualties: 5 dead and 25 injured. A mountain of bodies has been piling up, and Republicans do not care.

But the real victim in all of this is Lauren Boebert, according to Lauren Boebert.

"I've been accused of just about every mass shooting there has been," the poor thing said. "I've been blamed for all of it. It has to come to an end. The Left is pissed I won my election, so they're trying to find something to go after me about."

Many of BoBo's posts have targeted trans people and drag queens, whom she has accused of "grooming" children. That's their thing now. Accuse all gay people of being pedophiles and groomers.

So, I'm just gonna leave this here:

Imagine that.

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