January 23, 2023

It always surprises me that so many people don't watch the news. Some of you may not even know about the latest mass shooting this weekend. Via the Washington Post:

MONTEREY PARK, Calif. — Police said the suspect in the killing of at least 10 people at a dance studio in Monterey Park was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound Sunday afternoon as officers closed in on his vehicle following a furious manhunt.

The massacre unfolded just as the Monterey Park community had begun to celebrate the arrival of the Lunar New Year. It sent a wave of fear through this predominantly Asian suburb of Los Angeles, turning a festive occasion into one marked by grief and shock.

Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna identified the suspect as Huu Can Tran, a 72-year-old of Asian descent. He said the motive for the shooting — which he called “absolutely heartbreaking” and “heinous” — remained unclear.

Is it, though? Because it's said the shooter allegedly had a history of domestic violence -- which would fit the classic profile of a non-political mass shooter.

Even at 72, this guy was still raging enough to take his weapon and drive 80 miles to punish complete strangers for his own shortcomings. Rest in peace, asshole.

We won't act. Republicans don't care.

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