Fox News host Maria Bartiromo and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) speculated on Sunday that President Joe Biden allows China to send spy balloons because he and his son Hunter are corrupt.
February 12, 2023

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) speculated on Sunday that President Joe Biden allows China to send spy balloons because he and his son Hunter are corrupt.

During her Sunday Morning Futures program, Bartiromo pointed to a diamond that a businessman in China reportedly gave to Biden's son.

"I'm just — I'm wondering if, in fact, this is one of the reasons that the CCP feels empowered to be able to send spy flights across America to take pictures of our military installations," Bartiromo opined, "and why this president allowed that spy flight to get all the way in the middle of the country — all the way up to South Carolina."

"Your thoughts on where this is going," she asked Johnson. "And whether or not Joe Biden, they have so much on Joe Biden that they don't care; they're not expecting any repercussions. How much more can communist China do to America?"

"There are so many reasons our adversaries would be emboldened right now," Johnson agreed, pointing to Biden's military leadership.

"They're just concerned about woke politics," he complained.

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