It seems getting the name of the city wrong wasn't the only stupid thing to come out of Dementia Donny's mouth during his rally in Sioux City, Iowa this Sunday. He also told a "sir" story about Melania while mocking trans athletes.
Melania told Trump what wasn't presidential to do at his rallies — but he did it anyway:
Making fun of a transgender bodybuilder is not presidential, according to former first lady Melania Trump. Her husband relayed the story in a Sioux City, Iowa rally on Sunday.
Donald Trump told the supporters who gathered at the event a number of rambling stories, including that he is suffering under $100 million in legal bills. But when it came to issues of LGBTQ equality and human rights, Trump said he's not allowed to make fun of a transgender bodybuilder. However, making fun of a transgender swimmer appears to be acceptable.
And he given the fact that the rambling included a "sir" story, it's a given that all of it it completely made up. Sadly the MAGA idiots in the crowd just loved the idiocy.
TRUMP: And a guy comes up who transitioned. Have you lifted before they ask? No, not really. Oh, you've never lifted? No. Oh, well. Ok, good luck. So he takes the barbell. Bing, bong. They end up putting 150 pounds more on it. He does it. It's gonna be hard.
Or the swimmers. How about the swimming records. Young lady... you've heard this. What? Should I do this one or not? Because you know, our first lady hates it when I do. She, she says, she said, darling, I love you so much, but this is not presidential when you do the weightlifting, this is not presidential, or when you do the swimming thing, it's not, you know, and I understand — or when you dance off the stage.
She said, Sir — no, she said, Darling, I love you, but this is not presidential. You don't dance off the stage. I say look, we got a year to go. Everybody loves us. I love everybody. The country's going to hell in a handbasket. Let's do a little dancing.
He's got nothing to sell but hatred.