January 6, 2024

Attorney General Letitia James had originally sought $250 million in damages when she sued in 2022. But the amount grew considerably during trial and then in a post-trial brief.

From The Washington Post:

The New York civil case could end up barring [Trump] from doing business in the state where he built his real estate empire. On top of that, state Attorney General Letitia James is seeking the $370 million penalty, plus interest — up from a pretrial figure of $250 million, nudged to over $300 million during the proceeding.

The state says the new sum reflects windfalls from wrongdoing, chiefly $199 million in profits from property sales and $169 million in savings on interest rates, as calculated by an investment banking expert hired by James’ office.

Trump is throwing just the kind of all-caps social media temper tantrum we’ve all come to expect from the guy who thinks he should be dictator.

More from The Post:

He complained that the attorney general was seeking $370 million and instead “should pay me,” asserting that businesses are fleeing New York.

(According to the state Labor Department, the number of private sector jobs in New York increased 1% in the year that ended this past November, compared to 1.6% nationally.)

The judge has already ruled that Trump defrauded banks and insurers by inflating the value of his assets. The judge has said he hopes to decide the rest of the case, i.e. the penalties, by the end of the month.

Closing arguments are next Thursday.

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