February 9, 2024

It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving guy. Tucker Carlson has been so pro-Russia that the Kremlin called his former Fox News show “essential” to Russian media. More recently, the fanboy flew to Russia and handed his hero a massive propaganda victory in the guise of an interview. Carlson pretended he was bravely doing the journalism other news outlets don’t - only to have that lie slapped down by none other than the Kremlin. Sad!

That didn't stop Carlson from giving the Russian autocrat "a free lane to manipulate the public," as CNN's Oliver Darcy put it.

But Putin returned all those favors by degrading Carlson during the lapdog chat. Speaking of the CIA, Putin gratuitously said it's “the organization you wanted to join back in the day, as I understand." He added, "We should thank God they didn’t let you in, although it is a serious organization, I understand.” Ouch!

Putin wore a mischievous little smile as he spoke.

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