March 7, 2024

Republicans keep taking credit for things they voted against. You would think they would get embarrassed after being called out, but that would require self-awareness. And, you know, not being a total hypocrite. California Republican Rep. Mike Garcia claimed on Xitter that he "secured the funding" for a high-level cancer-screening mobile van that he voted against. Who would vote against a cancer screening van and take credit for the life-saving idea? Rep. Mike Garcia would, that's who.

Look at Mr. Community Notes:

X users called him out:

On a serious note, if you can get screened for cancer, I can't emphasize how important that is. It wouldn't have helped me since screening works for people who have no symptoms of the disease. It doesn't detect throat cancer, which I currently have. (I'm going to beat it, though). However, the mobile van detects 15 types of cancer, including state-of-the-art mammography technology. Get screened. Thank you, President Biden, and fuck off, Rep. Garcia.

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