Sheff G, a major leader in the Crips gang, is facing time in prison after he shot at people in broad daylight and bragged about it on social media. And of course he shared the stage with a proud Trump.
May 24, 2024

Trump ranted about crime in New York for most of his Bronx rally yesterday -- and then welcomed rapper Sheff G, member of the same Crips gang Trump spouts off about, and who is facing time in prison after he shot at people in broad daylight and bragged about it on social media, to share the stage.

Here's some background. Via

Two well-known New York City rappers could be looking at serious prison time after they were arrested in an NYPD bust targeting gang members who prosecutors said shot at rivals in broad daylight — then bragged about it on social media.

Brooklyn rappers Sheff G and Sleepy Hallow, who police said are members of the Crips gang, allegedly helped carry out violence against rival gangs in Flatbush in Crown Heights. They were among 32 people charged Tuesday in a 140-count indictment, as the district attorney's office said the gang is linked to 12 shootings and a murder that was caught on camera.

Bless their hearts.

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